How to Quickly Transform Tailwind Components into JSX
Converting Tailwind Components to JSX has never been faster.
Have you ever seen a Tailwind component you wanted to use in your React app, but it was only available as plain HTML? You then painstakingly rewrote the HTML so that you can use it in React (e.g. class
=> className
)? That's over now! You can transform (almost) any HTML of Tailwind components into a JSX DOM with a few clicks and copy 'n paste. I'll show you how to do that now.
HTML of a Tailwind Component
To do this we need a Tailwind component. Let's take an example from Tailwind Playground. The component that is presented looks like this:
This is the associated HTML:
<div class="min-h-screen bg-gray-100 py-6 flex flex-col justify-center sm:py-12">
<div class="relative py-3 sm:max-w-xl sm:mx-auto">
<div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-r from-cyan-400 to-light-blue-500 shadow-lg transform -skew-y-6 sm:skew-y-0 sm:-rotate-6 sm:rounded-3xl"></div>
<div class="relative px-4 py-10 bg-white shadow-lg sm:rounded-3xl sm:p-20">
<div class="max-w-md mx-auto">
<img src="/img/logo.svg" class="h-7 sm:h-8" />
<div class="divide-y divide-gray-200">
<div class="py-8 text-base leading-6 space-y-4 text-gray-700 sm:text-lg sm:leading-7">
<p>An advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS, including support for things like:</p>
<ul class="list-disc space-y-2">
<li class="flex items-start">
<span class="h-6 flex items-center sm:h-7">
<svg class="flex-shrink-0 h-5 w-5 text-cyan-500" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.707-9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414-1.414L9 10.586 7.707 9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414 1.414l2 2a1 1 0 001.414 0l4-4z" clip-rule="evenodd" />
<p class="ml-2">
Customizing your
<code class="text-sm font-bold text-gray-900">tailwind.config.js</code> file
<li class="flex items-start">
<span class="h-6 flex items-center sm:h-7">
<svg class="flex-shrink-0 h-5 w-5 text-cyan-500" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.707-9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414-1.414L9 10.586 7.707 9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414 1.414l2 2a1 1 0 001.414 0l4-4z" clip-rule="evenodd" />
<p class="ml-2">
Extracting classes with
<code class="text-sm font-bold text-gray-900">@apply</code>
<li class="flex items-start">
<span class="h-6 flex items-center sm:h-7">
<svg class="flex-shrink-0 h-5 w-5 text-cyan-500" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.707-9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414-1.414L9 10.586 7.707 9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414 1.414l2 2a1 1 0 001.414 0l4-4z" clip-rule="evenodd" />
<p class="ml-2">Code completion with instant preview</p>
<p>Perfect for learning how the framework works, prototyping a new idea, or creating a demo to share online.</p>
<div class="pt-6 text-base leading-6 font-bold sm:text-lg sm:leading-7">
<p>Want to dig deeper into Tailwind?</p>
<a href="" class="text-cyan-600 hover:text-cyan-700"> Read the docs → </a>
As you may realize or know at first glance, we can't use this HTML directly in React. This is because React uses className
instead of class
among other things. So now let's look at how you can still get components - at least a first draft - into the React world in just a few simple steps.
To achieve this we use the incredible website! On this site, you can transform among other things HTML to JSX.
Open the site, navigate to HTML to JSX and copy 'n' paste the HTML of the Tailwind component into the HTML area on the left. The result then looks something like this:
All you have to do now is simply copying the JSX output on the right into your React app and open your app in the browser.
And lo and behold, our component already looks almost like the one in the example. All you have to do now is to insert the source of the image correctly, adjust it here and there and you are done. But I leave that to you. ๐
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